Lawyer Gavaldon climbs steps of success
Standing in the spotlight during countless trials, Andy Gavaldon is accustomed to the heat.
Jurors watch him with vigilant eyes and then sit in judgement of his client.
Outside the courtroom, he sometimes perceives another jury - the community at large - that quietly evaluates him as a lawyer and then as a Hispanic....
...Hispanic youths today are not as motivated by the tough work ethic or respect for elders that drove earlier generations, he says. "I guess they don't really see that someone really cares for them in the same way that, maybe when we were growing up, people seemed to care for us," he said.
"And I think that says something.
"And if you don't have that, if you have a family that is struggling or a family that is dysfunctional and then you go into a school system where you don't see that caring, you don't see that 'I believe in you,' you don't see somebody who is going to go out of their way for you, I think it's real easy to et frustrated and to give up."...
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